How to Store Antique Furniture

February 9th, 2023

Antique furniture storage at Cornerstone
While having antique furniture can be worth a lot of sentimental or monetary value, you may find that you just don’t have the space in your house or apartment or that the furniture doesn’t quite fit with the atmosphere you want to cultivate. However, you’re not wanting to part ways with your furniture either. That’s why utilizing self storage is useful. Here are some great tips for storing antique furniture!

Go Through and Clean Up Your Items

For starters, you should go through your furniture and determine if there is anything that you can part ways with. After doing this, make sure you give all the furniture you’re keeping some proper TLC by cleaning and treating them.

Protect Your Furniture with Coverings

Using fabrics such as blankets, cloths, general covers, furniture, and sheets can help protect your furniture both during the move and for storage.

Pack Properly

You will want to make sure all your furniture is packed properly. Although items such as couches and chairs will probably be standing on their own, for smaller items such as lamps, make sure to invest in sturdy boxes that are designed for packing and storage.

Using the Right Service

Lastly, you will want to make sure you’re using the right self storage service for your antique furniture. Companies like Cornerstone Storage have plenty of spaces available.

Call Cornerstone Storage Today

For storing antique furniture it’s recommended to go through and clean your items, protect them with coverings, pack properly, and use the right service such as. You can contact Cornerstone Storage today to learn more about the units and services they offer. Contact them today!

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